We meet virtually on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
Topic: BCHCC Meeting
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Meeting ID: 945 988 7195
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North State Medicare 4 All stands for Reproductive Freedom and the LGBTQ Community
Reproductive rights, and abortion rights in particular, are under attack across the Country. These attacks constitute an
immoral and unconstitutional attack on the rights of all American women and undermine public health.
Therefore be it resolved:
The Butte County Health care Coalition declares that it is our position that access to all necessary reproductive services including abortion is the right of all American women.
We will stand with the women of America in opposition to any effort, Nation, State or local, to abrogate or interfere with the exercise of those rights.
The rights of the LGBTQ community are under attack across the County. These attacks are immoral, unconstitutional and constitute an attack on public health. It is our position that members of the LGBTQ community are entitled to all rights and benefits accorded other Americans’ including the right to be free from harassment and intimidation.
We further declare that members of the LGBTQ community are entitled to all necessary medical services including specialized services for persons during and after transition.
We will stand with the LGBTQ community in opposition to any effort, National, State or Local, to abrogate or interfere with the exercise of these rights.
Universal – All Residents are Covered
Comprehensive – All Medically Necessary Services are Covered
Public Financing – through Fair and Progressive Taxation
No Deductibles or Co-Pays
Democratic and Transparent Administration
Care to be Determined by Patient and Provider
We meet virtually on the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
Topic: BCHCC Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 988 7195
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,9459887195# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,9459887195# US
Women’s rights are human rights.
The link below is a recording of the presentation given by Dr. Corinne Frugoni at the July 10, 2022 HCA BOD Meeting